Survey of Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education (FEDEX)
Variables for 2019/2020
- Allocated expenditure of economy, category
- Currencies of OECD countries, category
- Expenditure on education of economy, category
- Expenditure on education of economy, index
- Expenditure on education of economy, proportion
- Expenditure on education of economy, value
- Expenditures of college, category
- Expenditures of college, value
- Expenditures of learning institution, index
- Expenditures of learning institution, type
- Expenditures of learning institution, value
- Expenditures of university, category
- Expenditures of university, value
- Geographic location of economy, name
- Geographic location of learning institution, category
- Geographic location of learning institution, name
- Source of funds of economy, category
- Type of education of learning institution, type
- Date modified: