Longitudinal Administrative Databank (LAD)
Variables for 1982 to 2019
- Age of person, category
- Age of person, number
- Capital gain or loss of person, value
- Citizenship of person, category
- Current transfers of person, category
- Current transfers of person, measure
- Current transfers of person, range
- Current transfers of person, rate
- Current transfers of person, value
- Elderly status of person, status
- Gender of person, category
- Geographic location of person, name
- Income group of person, category
- Income group of person, measure
- Income group of person, range
- Income group threshold of economy, value
- Income mobility of person, category
- Income mobility of person, ratio
- Income tax of person, category
- Income tax of person, measure
- Income tax of person, range
- Income tax of person, rate
- Income tax of person, value
- Low income entry rate of population, proportion
- Low income exit rate of population, category
- Low income exit rate of population, proportion
- Low income immobility rate of population, proportion
- Low income resistance rate of population, proportion
- Low income spell of person, category
- Low income spell of person, count
- Low income spell of person, length
- Low income spell of person, status
- Low-income status of person, measure
- Low-income status of person, status
- Marital status of person, category
- Modified total income of person, value
- Number of person, count
- Taxfiler status of person, status
- Total income of person, category
- Total income of person, component
- Total income of person, value
- Type of census family of person, category
- Years with low income of person, category
- Date modified: