Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics - Death database (CVSD)
Variables for 2019 (annual) and 2020 (provisional monthly)
- Aboriginal ancestry of person, category
- Age at time of death of person, category
- Age at time of death of person, number
- Age of person, category
- Age of person, number
- Birth of population, count
- Birth weight of infant, weight
- Cause of death of person, type
- Cause of death of population, rank
- Death of population, count
- Death subject to autopsy of person, status
- Dwelling type of person, category
- Educational attainment of person, type
- Gender of person, category
- Geographic location of person, name
- Geographic location of population, name
- Growth of population, component
- Health-adjusted life expectancy of persons, measure
- Income adequacy of person, category
- Income group of person, quintile
- Infant deaths of population, count
- Infant mortality rate of population, rate
- Infant status of person, status
- Legal marital status of person, category
- Life expectancy of person, measure
- Location of death of person, name
- Location of residence of person, category
- Location of residence of person, name
- Month of death of person, category
- Mortality rate of population, rate
- Number of person, count
- Perinatal death of population, category
- Perinatal death of population, count
- Perinatal mortality rate of population, number
- Place of death of person, category
- Potentially avoidable mortality of person, category
- Potential years of life lost of person, number
- Potential years of life lost of population, rate
- Premature mortality of person, type
- Probability of survival of person, category
- Registered or Treaty Indian status of person, category
- Residence inside or outside Inuit Nunangat of person, name
- Date modified: