Electric Utility Construction Price Indexes (EUCPI)
Summary of changes
Activity on this program started: 1966
Reference period of change - 2003
As of reference year 2003, data are not collected using a questionnaire.
Reference period of change - 1998
Beginning with the 1998 annual data, the electric utility construction price indexes (EUCPI) (1986=100) will be available on a 1992=100 time base. In the past, the EUCPI series comprised five models of electric utility plant: distribution systems, transmission lines, transformer stations, hydro-electric generating stations and fossil-fuel fired generating stations. The new EUCPI series includes only two models of electric utility construction: distribution systems and transmission-line systems. The transmission-line systems model consists of the previously published transmission-lines and transformer-stations models. The other two models representing generating stations are no longer published but they are being produced for information purposes, with the data available on request on a cost-recovery basis. The 1992=100 series has weights based on the distribution of construction expenditures derived from projects constructed in the base period.
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