Adult Correctional Services (ACS)
Summary of changes
Activity on this program started: Fiscal year 1978/79
Reference period of change - 2017/2018
Minor revisions to the wording of definitions and data requirements were made as a result of a review to ensure consistency in terminology throughout the sections of the questionnaire. The scoring instructions were not altered.
Reference period of change - 2016/2017
Instrument design - Minor revisions to the wording of definitions and data requirements were made as a result of a review to ensure consistency in terminology throughout the sections of the questionnaire. The scoring instructions were not altered.
Reference period of change - 2009/2010
Instrument design - Due to recent system re-development, the survey questionnaires have been reviewed and have undergone changes to facilitate the loading and storage of the data. Please note that the content of the survey and the data requirements have not been altered.
The questionnaire has changed in the following ways:
- The questionnaire has been re-organized into separate sections. As a result, the questions in each section have been re-numbered, and references to the original question number have been included to allow respondents to refer to last year's submission.
- Minor revisions to the wording of definitions and data requirements were made as a result of a review to ensure consistency in terminology throughout the sections of the questionnaire. The definitions and scoring instructions per se were not altered.
Reference period of change - 2004/2005
As of 2004-2005, the average counts of adults in custody as well as those in the community, are collected using the Adult Key Indicator Report Tables questionnaire.
Data from Nova Scotia, Alberta (community services) and the Correctional Service of Canada are now also collected through the ICSS.
Reference period of change - 2002/2003
Data sources - Data from New Brunswick are now also collected through the ICSS.
Reference period of change - 2001/2002
As of the 2001-2002 reference period, data from Newfoundland and Labrador and from Saskatchewan are collected through the Integrated Correctional Services Survey (ICSS), a new person-based survey that is currently being implemented in several jurisdictions across Canada.
The ICSS is a census survey based on electronically-extracted microdata that is conducted annually. It is also longitudinal in that it follows correctional histories of offenders. Therefore, ACS has become a census with a cross-sectional design and a longitudinal follow-up.
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