Monthly Natural Gas Distribution Survey (MNGD)
Summary of changes
Activity on this program started: 2016
Reference period of change - January 2019
The collection of customer count data was discontinued between January 2016 and December 2018. Collection resumed in January 2019. Data is available for the full time series as of August 2020.
Reference period of change - January 2016
In 2015, the energy section of Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division (EETSD) underwent an extensive redesign of the Monthly Natural Gas survey which collected information from distributors and transmitters. A review of user requirements was first initiated. Then, with these requirements in hand, interviews with respondents were conducted in order to ascertain respondent's ability to report existing and new data. The study was also to confirm that respondents understood the definitions, which were being asked by survey analysts. The result was the creation of the Monthly Natural Gas Distribution Survey.
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