Maple Products (MAPL)
Summary of changes
Activity on this program started: 1924
Reference period of change - 2020
As a result of the timing of the COVID-19 pandemic, active collection of data from Ontario and New Brunswick was suspended for 2020 to minimize burden on farm operators. Estimates for these provinces were produced using modelling and information from previous years.
Reference period of change - 2017
Imputation - Prior to 2017, total non-response units were not imputed. Instead the weights of respondents were adjusted to account for the non-response.
Estimation - Prior to 2017, reweighting of responding units to account for total non-respondents was used. Starting in 2017 total non-respondents are imputed so reweighting is no longer required.
Reference period of change - 2016
Sampling - Starting 2016, the provinces of New Brunswick and Ontario moved to a sample design.
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