Survey on Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces (SSMCAF)

Summary of changes

Activity on this program started: 2015

Reference period of change - 2022

The 2022 questionnaire has had minimal changes compared to 2018. The main change has been to add a new question on teleworking, to factor in the potential impact of remote working during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Other changes include asking about safety concerns, about intimidation, and about opinions and attitudes related to sexual misconduct. Some questions have been reordered to improve the flow, others consolidated and others reworded to improve clarity.

Reference period of change - 2018

Instrument design - The 2018 questionnaire only asks questions in reference to the previous 12 month period. Questions aimed at obtaining lifetime prevalence were removed. Other content modifications were made, such as including a question on actions taken by people seeing or hearing inappropriate sexual behaviours.

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