Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Physical Flow Accounts (PFA)
Natural input flow account of water use, measure
Natural input flow account refers to a record in physical units of measure of the supply and use of substances that have been taken into the economy from the environment. Examples include timber harvest, mineral extraction, and the capture of wind energy. Natural Inputs are the first section of the standard physical supply and use table described in the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting: Central Framework (SEEA-CF), Table 3.1 in Chapter 3 on Physical Flow Accounts.
Water use refers to the intake of water either self-supplied (i.e. direct abstraction from the environment) or supplied from municipal systems. It does not include an estimate for the volume of water that passes through hydro-electric turbines, nor of the water that flows through agricultural crops and cultivated forests as a result of the uptake of soil water by plants.
The data for this variable are reported using the following measurements:
- Cubic metres
Data tables
- Physical flow account for water use Table: 153-0116
- Physical flows by final demand category Table: 153-0129
- Date modified: