Activities of Multinational Enterprises in Canada
International transactions in services of enterprise, category
International transactions in services refers to that part of the balance of international payments account that summarizes, for a specific period of time, the economic transactions of residents with non-residents covered by the services component of the current account. The current account covers all transactions (other than those in the capital and financial accounts) that involve exchange of economic values (goods, services, and investment income) and current transfers.
Enterprise refers to the highest level of the Business Register statistical hierarchy. In alignment with the System of National Accounts, it is defined as an institutional unit that directs and controls the allocation of resources relating to its operations, and for which financial statements are maintained from which international transactions, an international investment position and a financial position for the unit can be derived. Enterprises can be corporations, quasi-corporations, institutions, or unincorporated businesses such as sole proprietors or partnerships. For incorporated enterprises, financial statements can be consolidated.
The data for this variable are reported using the following classifications and/or lists:
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