Statistics Canada, Canadian Vital Statistics - Death database (CVSD)
Geographic location of person, name
Geographic location refers to the physical place a statistical unit is located and for which statistics are collected and disseminated.
Person refers to an individual and is the unit of analysis for most social statistics programs.
The data for this variable are reported using the following classifications and/or lists:
- Health Regions (HR) 2011
- Peer group 2007
Data tables
- Life expectancy, at birth and at age 65, by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups Table: 102-4307 *Terminated*
- Mortality and potential years of life lost, by selected causes of death and sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups Table: 102-4309 *Terminated*
- Premature and potentially avoidable mortality, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions and peer groups Table: 102-4311 *Terminated*
- Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2011
Data tables
- Age-standardized five-year survival estimates for primary sites of cancer, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by sex, 1 year of cases, Canada and selected provinces Table: 103-1571
- Age-standardized five-year survival estimates for primary sites of cancer, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by sex, 3 years of cases, Canada and selected provinces Table: 103-1572
- Five-year survival estimates for all primary sites of cancer combined, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 1 year of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1559
- Five-year survival estimates for all primary sites of cancer combined, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 3 years of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1560
- Five-year survival estimates for breast cancer cases, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 1 year of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1561
- Five-year survival estimates for breast cancer cases, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 3 years of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1562
- Five-year survival estimates for other selected primary sites of cancer, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 1 year of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1569
- Five-year survival estimates for other selected primary sites of cancer, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 3 years of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1570
- Five-year survival estimates for primary sites of cancer, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by sex, population aged 15 to 99, 1 year of cases, selected provinces Table: 103-1573
- Five-year survival estimates for primary sites of cancer, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by sex, population aged 15 to 99, 3 years of cases, selected provinces Table: 103-1574
- Five-year survival estimates for prostate, gallbladder, ureter and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cancer cases, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 1 year of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1563
- Five-year survival estimates for prostate, gallbladder, ureter and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cancer cases, ICD-O-3 (October 2011 CCR file), by age group and sex, population aged 15 to 99, 3 years of cases, Canada (excluding Quebec) Table: 103-1564
- Health-adjusted life expectancy, at birth and at age 65, by sex and income, Canada and provinces Table: 102-0122
- Premature and potentially avoidable mortality, Canada, provinces and territories Table: 102-4312 *Terminated*
- Statistical Area Classification by Province and Territory - Variant of SGC 2011
- Date modified: