Variant of NAICS 2012 - Industrial production (based on the 1950 United Nations definition)

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The concept of industrial production described here derives from a paper, Index Numbers of Industrial Production, published in 1950 by the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

The definition of industrial production used includes activities carried out under the responsibility, control and management of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital and goods and services to produce industrial output. Industrial output can be generally understood to include non-agricultural commodities, and to exclude construction.

Expressed in terms of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) 3.1, the 1950 UN-based industrial production is defined as including sections C (Mining and quarrying), D (Manufacturing), E (Electricity, gas and water supply).

This ISIC-based definition has been converted to NAICS 2012, as including sectors 21, 22, and 31-33. This is the same composition as the 2008 definition, with the exception that it does not contain the subsector 562.

For the sake of simplicity, an exact concordance between ISIC industrial production industries and NAICS has not been used. Such an exact concordance would result in a large number of partial links between ISIC and NAICS. On the advice of the National Accounts experts of Statistics Canada, a simplified NAICS list of industries has been used to define industrial production.

There are 2 versions of NAICS 2012 variants for industrial production: this version based on the U.N. 1950 paper, and another version based on the definition of industrial production given by the 2008 International Recommendations for Industrial Statistics (IRIS).

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