Components of migration (in and out), one year, of geographic area

Status: This standard was approved as a departmental standard on June 15, 2015.


Components of migration (in and out), one year refers to the in-migrants and out-migrants for a specific level of geography considering a period of one year.

For components of migration (in and out), one year, in-migrants include persons who did not live in the specified geographic area one year before the reference date, but did live there on the reference date.

For components of migration (in and out), one year, out-migrants include persons who lived in the specified geographic area one year before the reference date, but did not live there on the reference date.

Geographic area refers to areas whose boundaries are specifically delimited in accordance with well-defined concepts and which, in total, cover the entire landmass of Canada. It excludes Canadian territorial enclaves abroad.

Conformity to relevant internationally recognized standards

The standard is compatible with the United Nations' "Recommendations on Statistics of International Migration, Revision 1", 1998. This publication defines an international migrant as a person who changes their country of usual residence, which is analogous to the definitions of external migrant and external in-migrant. This standard is also compatible with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's "Conference of European Statisticians Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing", 2006 relating to internal migration and mobility.


  • Whole number March 16, 1998 to current


Additional information


Relation to previous version

  • Components of migration (in and out), one year, of geographic area June 15, 2015 to current

    This standard replaces the recommended standard 'Components of migration (in and out), one year, of geographic area'.

  • Components of migration (in and out), one year, of geographic area June 26, 2013 to June 14, 2015

    This was the recommended standard from June 26, 2013 to June 14, 2015.

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