Régions économiques - CGT 2001

10 - Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

1030 - Côte-ouest - Northern Peninsula - Labrador

1005 - Division No. 5

1005001 - Division No. 5, Subd. A
  • Localités

    • Kitty's Brook
    • Lake Siding
    • Little Harbour
    • North Siding
    • Northern Siding
    • Power House Siding
    • St. Judes
1005003 - Division No. 5, Subd. G
  • Localités

    • Browns Cove
    • Coney Arm
    • Hannah Cove
    • Pollards Point
    • Sop's Arm
    • Sop's Arm, White Bay
    • Sops Island
    • Sop's Island, E and W
    • Sprucy Cove
1005004 - Deer Lake
  • Localités

    • Humber Canal
    • Nicholsville
    • Northern
    • Spillway
1005005 - Jackson's Arm
1005006 - Howley
1005007 - Division No. 5, Subd. E
  • Localités

    • Beaches
    • Burtons Cove
    • Deer Lake Airport
    • Galeville
    • Gateville
    • Georges Cove
    • George's Cove
    • Gold Cove
    • Osmondville
    • Pasadena Midland
    • The Beaches
    • The Rooms
1005008 - Hampden
  • Localités

    • Bayside
1005009 - Reidville
  • Localités

    • Junction Brook
1005010 - Division No. 5, Subd. F
  • Localités

    • Ballam Bridge
    • Cannings Bridge
    • Christopher's Cove
    • Harrison
    • Humber
    • Humber Village
    • Humber Village-Humber
    • Little Rapids
    • Marble Mountain Ski Area
    • Pynns
    • Russell
    • Steady Brook
    • Steady Brook Siding
1005011 - Steady Brook
  • Localités

    • Dogwood
1005012 - Pasadena
  • Localités

    • Dog Wood
    • Midland
    • Midland-Pasadena
    • South Brook
1005014 - Cormack
1005015 - Gillams
  • Localités

    • Guilem
1005016 - Division No. 5, Subd. C
  • Localités

    • Pinchgut Lake
1005017 - Massey Drive
1005018 - Corner Brook
  • Localités

    • Cooke
    • Cooks Brook
    • Country Road Industrial Park
    • Curling
    • Curling-Corner Brook
    • Georgetown
    • Humbermouth
    • Humbermouth-Cornerbrook
    • Maple Valley Industrial Park
    • Mount Moriah
    • Petrie
    • Petries
    • Petries Crossing
    • Watsons Pond Industrial Park
1005019 - Division No. 5, Subd. D
  • Localités

    • Bay Of Islands
    • Bennett Cove
    • Benoit's Cove
    • Bottle Cove
    • Brake's Cove
    • Corner Brook
    • Goose Arm
    • Innismara
    • North Arm Cove
    • Penguin Arm
    • South Head
    • Wood's Island
1005020 - Humber Arm South
  • Localités

    • Benoit Cove
    • Benoit's Cove
    • Frenchman's Cove
    • Halfway Point
    • John's Beach
    • Voy's Beach
1005022 - McIvers
  • Localités

    • McIver's
1005023 - Cox's Cove
1005024 - Lark Harbour
  • Localités

    • Little Port
1005025 - Meadows
1005028 - Hughes Brook
1005030 - Irishtown-Summerside
  • Localités

    • Irishtown
    • Summerside
1005033 - Mount Moriah
  • Localités

    • Sopers
1005035 - York Harbour
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