List of Components of Refined Petroleum Products Supply

1 - Net supply

'Net supply' refers to the amount available after the amounts used in transformation processes are subtracted. Availability minus transformed to electricity - by utilities, transformed to electricity - by industry, transformed to refined petroleum products and net refinery produced liquefied petroleum gases (LPG's).

2 - Producer consumption

'Producer consumption', as measured here, is the consumption by the producing industry of its own produced fuel; for example, refined petroleum products consumed by the refined petroleum product industry, or natural gas used in the field, flared and waste, field uses, gathering uses, plant uses and metering adjustments. It does not include consumption of energy forms produced by other energy supply industries; for example, it would exclude the use of natural gas by the petroleum refining industry. In the case of electricity, it includes transmission losses, adjustments, unaccounted for amounts which are subject to variation because of cyclical billing, etcetera, but excludes generating station use output as measured at the generating station gate.

3 - Non-energy use

Amounts shown here are for amounts used for purposes other than fuel purposes. Includes products being used as petrochemical feedstock, anodes and/or cathodes, greases, lubricants, etcetera.

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