List of Anthropometry Elements

1 - Standing height

Standing height refers to the height of a person, in centimetres, while standing upright. That is, the vertical measure from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.

2 - Sitting height

Sitting height refers to the height of a person, in centimetres, while sitting down. That is, the vertical measure from the top of the head to the hip of the person.

3 - Weight

Weight refers to the weight of a person in kilograms.

4 - Waist circumference

Waist circumference refers to the linear distance, in centimetres, around the waist of a person.

5 - Hip circumference

Hip circumference refers to the linear distance, in centimetres, around the hips of a person.

6 - Waist-to-hip ratio

Waist-to-hip ratio refers to the ratio of a person's waist circumference to his or her hip circumference and is expressed as a decimal.

7 - Body mass index

Body mass index (BMI) refers to a method of classifying body weight according to health risk. BMI is calculated as follows: weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared.

8 - Waist circumference - World Health Organization (WHO) protocol

9 - Neck circumference

10 - Biceps skinfold

11 - Triceps skinfold

12 - Subscapular skinfold

13 - Iliac Crest skinfold

14 - Calf skinfold

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