Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

57 - Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Industries, Wholesale

Establishments primarily engaged in wholesale dealing in new and used farm, construction, for-estry, mining, industrial, electrical, electronic and other machinery, equipment and supplies.

Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980 - Classification structure
Code Minor group
571Farm Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale Farm Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale
572Construction, Forestry and Mining Machinery,Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale Construction, Forestry and Mining Machinery,Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale
573Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale
574Electrical and Electronic Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale Electrical and Electronic Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale
579Other Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale Other Machinery, Equipment and Supplies, Wholesale
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