Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980

29 - Primary Metal Industries

Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980 - Classification structure
Code Minor group
291Primary Steel Industries Primary Steel Industries
292Steel Pipe and Tube Industry Steel Pipe and Tube Industry
294Iron Foundries Iron Foundries
295Non-Ferrous Metal Smelting and Refining Industries Non-Ferrous Metal Smelting and Refining Industries
296Aluminum Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry Aluminum Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry
297Copper and Copper Alloy Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry Copper and Copper Alloy Rolling, Casting and Extruding Industry
299Other Rolled, Cast and Extruded Non-Ferrous MetalProducts Industries Other Rolled, Cast and Extruded Non-Ferrous MetalProducts Industries
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