National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.1


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4 - Occupations in education, law and social, community and government services

Occupations in this category are concerned with law, teaching, counselling, conducting social science research, developing government policy, and administering government and other programs. Occupations providing religious services and leadership are included in this category. These occupations usually require completion of a related post-secondary program. Individuals who work as paralegals, social service workers or educators and instructors who are not part of the elementary, secondary or post-secondary school system are usually required to complete additional formal education to progress to professional occupations.

40 - Professional occupations in education services

This major group comprises professional occupations in education services. It includes secondary and elementary school teachers, university professors, college and other vocational instructors, post-secondary assistants and educational counsellors.

401 - University professors and post-secondary assistants

This minor group includes university professors and lecturers, and post-secondary teaching and research assistants. They are employed by universities and colleges.

4011 - University professors and lecturers

University professors and lecturers teach courses to undergraduate and graduate students and conduct research at universities. University professors who are heads of departments are included in this unit group.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • botany assistant professor - university
    • computer science professor - university
    • engineering instructor - university
    • English professor - university
    • food sciences department chairperson - university
    • French language professor - university
    • geography department head - university
    • lecturer - university
    • linguistics associate professor
    • physics department chairperson - university
    • professor of medicine - university
    • university professor

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • postdoctoral fellow
    • teacher - teacher's college
  • Exclusion(s)

    • College and other vocational instructors (See 4021 College and other vocational instructors)
    • Other instructors (See 4216 Other instructors)
    • Post-secondary teaching and research assistants (See 4012 Post-secondary teaching and research assistants)
  • Main duties

    University professors and lecturers perform some or all of the following duties:

    • Teach one or more university subjects to undergraduate and graduate students
    • Prepare and deliver lectures to students and conduct laboratory sessions or discussion groups
    • Prepare, administer and grade examinations, laboratory assignments and reports
    • Advise students on course and academic matters and career decisions
    • Direct research programs of graduate students and advise on research matters
    • Conduct research in field of specialization and publish findings in scholarly journals or books
    • May serve on faculty committees dealing with such matters as curriculum planning and degree requirements, and perform a variety of administrative duties
    • May represent their universities as speakers and guest lecturers
    • May provide professional consultative services to government, industry and private individuals.

    University professors and lecturers specialize in a particular subject matter such as biology, chemistry, anatomy, sociology, business administration or law.

  • Employment requirements

    • A doctoral degree in the field of specialization is required for university professors.
    • A master's degree in the field of specialization is required for university lecturers.
    • Licences or professional certification may be required for professors teaching future practitioners in certain professionally regulated fields, such as medicine, engineering, architecture, psychology or law.
  • Additional information

    • University professors who are also practitioners in their field of specialization must have the appropriate licences or certification.
    • Progression to senior positions within a department, faculty or university is possible with experience.
4012 - Post-secondary teaching and research assistants

Post-secondary teaching and research assistants assist university professors, community college and CEGEP teachers and other faculty members in teaching and research activities at universities and colleges.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • college laboratory assistant
    • college teaching assistant
    • graduate assistant - university
    • post-secondary research assistant
    • university research assistant

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • tutor - post-secondary teaching assistant
  • Exclusion(s)

    • Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants (See 4413 Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants)
    • Other instructors (See 4216 Other instructors)
  • Main duties

    Post-secondary teaching and research assistants perform some or all of the following duties:

    Post-secondary teaching assistants

    • Organize reference materials, visual aids and other materials as required by university professors or college teachers for lectures
    • Conduct seminars, discussion groups and laboratory sessions to supplement lectures
    • Assist in the preparation and administration of examinations
    • Grade examinations, term papers and laboratory reports.

    Research assistants

    • Conduct literature reviews, surveys, laboratory experiments and other research for use in scholarly publications
    • Compile research results and assist professors in the analysis of results and the preparation of journal articles or papers.

    Post-secondary teaching and research assistants specialize in a subject matter based on their field of study.

  • Employment requirements

    • Enrolment in, or completion of, a university or college program is required.
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