Classification of Area of residence - On reserve

Status: This standard was replaced by the 'Classification of residence on or off reserve' as of on June 15, 2015.

Statistics Canada works closely with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (formally known as Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) to identify the reserves and the settlements to be included as CSDs. Furthermore, the inclusion of an Indian settlement is dependent upon the agreement of the provincial or territorial authorities.

Classification structure

Classification of Area of residence - On reserve - Classification structure
Code Name
1On reserve On reserveNote 1
2Off reserve Off reserve


Note 1

'On reserve' includes six census subdivision (CSD) types legally affiliated with First Nations or Indian bands, i.e., Indian reserve (IRI), Indian settlement (S-É) (except for the five Yukon settlements of Champagne Landing 10, Klukshu, Two and One-Half Mile Village, Two Mile Village and Kloo Lake), Indian government district (IGD), terres réservées aux Cris (TC), terres réservées aux Naskapis (TK) and Nisga'a land (NL), as well as the northern village of Sandy Bay in Saskatchewan.

Return to note 1 referrer

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