Classification of economic family status

1 - Economic family person

This category includes persons who live in a household in which one or more of the other household members is related to them by blood, marriage, common-law union, adoption or a foster relationship.

11 - Economic family reference person

This category includes persons who are reference persons within an economic family. The family reference person is determined through procedures specific to each survey.

12 - Married spouse or common-law partner of economic family reference person

This category includes persons who are members of a couple in which the other member is an economic family reference person.

13 - Child of economic family reference person

This category includes persons who are children of an economic family reference person. They may be biological or adopted children.

14 - Other economic family member

This category includes persons who are economic family persons but who are not the family reference person, are not the married spouse or common-law partner of the family reference person nor a child of the family reference person. This category includes foster children.

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