Environmental and clean technology goods and services

1 - Total goods

Environmental and clean technology goods and services - Classification structure
Code Title
1.1 Renewable energy production
1.2 Non-hazardous waste management
1.3 Industrial air pollution or flue gas management
1.4 Monitoring and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution
1.5 Industrial wastewater and municipal sewage treatment
1.6 Remediation of ground and surface water, leachate, soil, sediment and sludge
1.7 Smart grid and energy storage
1.8 Bioenergy production equipment and biofuel, biomaterial and biochemical production
1.9 Clean energy equipment
1.10 Water management, recycling and treatment of drinking water technologies
1.11 Precision agriculture technologies
1.12 Energy efficiency technologies
1.13 Transportation technologies
1.14 Other environmental and clean technology goods
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