Classification of programs and credentials

4 - Career, technical or professional training program

This category includes postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market but are not apprenticeship, pre-university, undergraduate or graduate programs. Educational requirements for admission to this program are usually not greater than a secondary school diploma. This includes typical college-level programs and Quebec CEGEP technical-stream programs, but they can also be offered at universities.

4.1 - Career, technical or professional training short credential

This category includes attestations or other short credentials for postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market but are not apprenticeship, pre-university, undergraduate or graduate programs. Educational requirements for admission to this program are usually not greater than a secondary school diploma. This includes typical college-level and Quebec CEGEP technical stream programs, but they can also be offered at universities. These are formal qualifications granted upon successful completion of programs that are shorter than programs where a certificate or diploma is the formal qualification awarded.

4.2 - Career, technical or professional training certificate

This category includes certificates for postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market but are not apprenticeship, pre-university, undergraduate or graduate programs. Educational requirements for admission to this program are usually not greater than a secondary school diploma. This includes typical college-level certificates, but they can also be offered at universities.

4.3 - Career, technical or professional training diploma

This category includes diplomas for postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market but are not apprenticeship, pre-university, undergraduate or graduate programs. Educational requirements for admission to this program are usually not greater than a secondary school diploma. This includes typical college-level diplomas, including Quebec CEGEP technical stream diplomas, but they can also be offered at universities.

4.4 - Other career, technical or professional training credential

This category includes other recognized credentials for postsecondary skills programs that usually lead to a specific career path and into the labour market but are not apprenticeship, pre-university, undergraduate or graduate programs. Educational requirements for admission to this program are usually not greater than a secondary school diploma. This includes typical college-level programs, but they can also be offered at universities. This category excludes career, technical or professional training short credentials, certificates and diplomas.

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