North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0

711511 - Independent visual artists and artisansCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in creating visual art and craft works using a studio-based method of production. These works are artistic and cultural objects, designed by the producing establishment, made in small quantities, of any material. The typical labour force is an artist, artisan or craftsperson, sometimes assisted by other artists, artisans, craftspersons or apprentices.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • artists (except commercial, medical and musical), independent
    • bookbinding, artisanal
    • furniture, artisanal production
    • musical instruments, artisanal production
    • photojournalist, freelance
    • pottery, studio based production
    • quilting, artisanal
    • sculptors (artistic)
    • sketch artists, independent
    • taxidermists, independent
    • Ukrainian eggs, hand-painting

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • conservators operating on own account and independent photojournalists
  • Exclusion(s)

    • design of clothing and jewellery, but not their production (See 541490 Other specialized design services)
    • design of products, but not their production (See 541420 Industrial design services)
    • graphic design, but not printing (See 541430 Graphic design services)
    • independent visual artists and artisans (See 541430 Graphic design services)
    • musical artists, independent (See 711130 Musical groups and artists)
    • production of goods in quantity(31-33)
    • production of non-durable goods, such as baked goods, soaps, lotions, creams, etc., in small batches(31-33)
    • providing commercial and medical illustration services (See 541430 Graphic design services)
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