North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

54 - Professional, scientific, and technical services

541032 - Engineering services

541032.1 - Engineering services

The application of physical laws and principles in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and systems. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to engineering projects. Includes engineering design services for a design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.3 - Industrial and manufacturing engineering projects

All engineering services related to industrial and manufacturing facilities, processes, and products. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to industrial and manufacturing projects. Includes engineering design services for an industrial or manufacturing design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.3.2 - Industrial and manufacturing product engineering design projects

All engineering services related to the design of industrial and manufactured products. Does not include research or industrial design services.

541032. - Industrial machinery engineering design projects

All engineering services related to the design of industrial machinery. Examples include agricultural, construction, mining, metalworking, commercial and service industry, heating, ventilating and air-conditioning, and power transmission machinery.

541032. - Electronic equipment engineering design projects

All engineering services related to the design of electronic equipment. Examples include computers and peripheral equipment, communications equipment, audio and video equipment, and semiconductors and other electronic components.

541032. - Electrical equipment engineering design projects

All engineering services related to the design of electrical equipment. Examples include lighting, major and minor appliances, and components thereof.

541032. - Transportation equipment engineering design projects

All engineering services related to the design of transportation equipment. Examples include motor vehicles, aircraft, trains, marine vessels, and space vehicles.

541032. - Other industrial and manufacturing product engineering design projects.

All engineering services related to the design of industrial and manufactured products not elsewhere classified.

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