North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0


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522321 - Central credit unionsCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments of centrals, regionals, leagues and federations primarily engaged in providing financial transaction processing; reserve and overnight advances services; cheque or other financial instrument clearing house services; credit card processing; electronic financial payment services; and in accepting deposits from, and issuing loans to, members.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • caisses populaires, federation, league or regional (central clearing house services)
    • credit unions, central, regional or league (central clearing house services)

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • automated clearinghouses (See 522329 Other financial transactions processing and clearing house activities)
    • cheque clearing and other transaction processing of the central bank (See 521110 Monetary authorities - central bank)
    • cheque validation service (See 522329 Other financial transactions processing and clearing house activities)
    • data processing (See 518210 Data processing, hosting, and related services)
    • electronic funds transfer services (See 522329 Other financial transactions processing and clearing house activities)
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