North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

52 - Financial and insurance services

522002 - Loans

522002.1 - Loans

Loans represent the direct lending of funds under legal contract, either unsecured or secured by the assets being financed or by other assets, but without the exchange or the use of securities as collateral. Includes interest received, origination and other fees received, and revenue from sales of loans.

522002.1.2 - Loans, to non-financial businesses

Loans to non-financial businesses. Includes loans to government-owned enterprises.

522002.1.2.1 - Loans, to non-financial businesses, secured

Loans to non-financial businesses, that are secured by collateral. Includes government-guaranteed loans to non-financial businesses. Includes loans secured by negotiable warehouse receipts.

522002. - Commercial and industrial mortgages

Mortgages secured by commercial and industrial real estate. Includes mortgages on residential properties, such as apartment buildings, for business purposes.

522002. - Construction mortgages

Mortgages to finance construction costs during the period of construction, secured by the property being developed. Includes loans to purchase land to be developed for eventual residential use.

522002. - Asset-based lending

Loans secured by specific assets, other than real property, of the borrower. Includes loans secured by accounts receivables, inventory loans, loans secured by negotiable warehouse receipts. Excludes equipment leasing.

522002. - Commercial and industrial loans, government, guaranteed

Loans to commercial and industrial businesses, guaranteed by government agencies.

522002. - Other secured loans to non-financial businesses

Secured loans to non-financial businesses, except commercial and industrial mortgages, construction mortgages, asset-based lending, or government-guaranteed commercial and industrial loans.

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