North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 1997

514191 - On-Line Information Services

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing direct access, through telecommunications networks (including Internet providers), to computer-held information compiled or published by others. These establishments may provide access to information on a particular area of specialization, but generally cover a wide range of information resources. These establishments often provide electronic mail services, bulletin boards, browsers and search routines.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • offering direct on-line access to information that they publish or compile (See 511 Publishing Industries)
    • publishing databases (See 511140 Database and Directory Publishers)
    • developing databases for the purpose of credit reporting (See 561450 Credit Bureaus)
  • Example Activities:

    • Information access services, on-line
    • Internet access provider
    • Internet service provider
    • On-line access service provider
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