Variant of NAICS 2017 Version 3.0 - Durable / non-durable manufacturing industries

Others / autres - Non-manufacturing industries

This category comprises all NAICS codes that are not included in NAICS sector 31-33 'Manufacturing'.

48-49 - Transportation and warehousing

This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in transporting passengers and goods, warehousing and storing goods, and providing services to these establishments. The modes of transportation are road (trucking, transit and ground passenger), rail, water, air and pipeline. These are further subdivided according to the way in which businesses in each mode organize their establishments. National post office and courier establishments, which also transport goods, are included in this sector. Warehousing and storage establishments are subdivided according to the type of service and facility that is operated.

Many of the establishments in this sector are structured as networks, with activities, workers, and physical facilities distributed over an extensive geographic area.

481 - Air transportation

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in for-hire, common-carrier transportation of people and/or goods using aircraft, such as airplanes and helicopters.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • air courier services (See 492110 Couriers)
    • scenic or sightseeing air services (See 487990 Scenic and sightseeing transportation, other)
4812 - Non-scheduled air transportation

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in the non-scheduled air transportation of passengers and/or goods. Establishments in this industry have more flexibility with respect to choice of airports, hours of operation, load factors and similar operational characteristics than do establishments in 4811, Scheduled air transportation. Establishments primarily engaged in providing specialty air transportation or flying services using small, general-purpose aircraft are included.

48121 - Non-scheduled air transportation

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the non-scheduled air transportation of passengers and/or goods. Establishments in this industry have more flexibility with respect to choice of airports, hours of operation, load factors and similar operational characteristics than do establishments in 4811, Scheduled air transportation. Establishments primarily engaged in providing specialty air transportation or flying services using small, general-purpose aircraft are included.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • aerial gathering of geophysical data (See 541360 Geophysical surveying and mapping services)
    • crop-dusting using specialized aircraft (See 115110 Support activities for crop production)
    • fighting forest fires using specialized water bombers (See 115310 Support activities for forestry)
    • flight training, including all training for commercial pilots (See 611510 Technical and trade schools)
    • operating air ambulance services using specialized equipment (See 621912 Air ambulance services)
    • providing aerial mapping services (See 541370 Surveying and mapping (except geophysical) services)
    • scheduled air transport (See 481110 Scheduled air transportation)
    • specialized air sightseeing services (See 487990 Scenic and sightseeing transportation, other)
481214 - Non-scheduled chartered air transportation

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the non-scheduled air transportation of passengers and/or goods by aircraft, at a toll per mile or per hour for the charter of the aircraft.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • air cargo carriers (except air courier), non-scheduled
    • air passenger charter transportation service

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • providing air courrier services (See 492110 Couriers)
    • providing specialty flying services, with no service predominating (See 481215 Non-scheduled specialty flying services)
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