North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002

444190 - Other Building Material DealersUS

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing specialized lines of building materials. These establishments may provide installation services in addition to retailing.

  • Example Activities:

    • Aluminum doors and screens, retail
    • Brick and tile dealers, retail
    • Cabinets, kitchen (to be installed), retail
    • Concrete and cinder block dealers, retail
    • Electrical supplies stores selling primarily to other business but also selling to household consumers
    • Electrical supplies, retail
    • Fencing dealers, retail
    • Garage doors, retail (wood)
    • Glass stores, retail
    • Lumber and planing mill product dealers, retail
    • Plumbing supplies stores selling primarily to other businesses but also selling to household consumers
    • Plumbing supplies, retail
    • Prefabricated house and building dealers, retail
    • Retailers of ceramic floor and wall tiles
    • Roofing material dealers, retail
    • Sales of aluminum doors and installation
    • Tile and brick dealers, retail
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