North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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332118 - StampingCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in using a press to form and cut sheet-metal stock in one or a series of operations. The operations can be done in a single press closing with a mated die, or with several press closings and multiple dies. The part involved may have holes, slots, notches or features formed in it and be cut to size and deburred, but is otherwise essentially completed by the stamping operation. Establishments primarily engaged in custom roll-forming, using the rotary motion of rolls with various profiles to bend metal, are included.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • bottle caps and tops, metal, stamping
    • closures, metal, stamping
    • custom roll forming of metal products
    • gutters and down spouts, sheet metal, roll formed, manufacturing
    • lids, jar, metal, stamping
    • powder metallurgy products, manufactured on a job or order basis
    • spinning unfinished metal products
    • stampings (except automotive, cans, coins), metal, unfinished, manufacturing

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • manufacturing motor vehicle stampings (See 336370 Motor vehicle metal stamping)
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