North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007

237990 - Other Heavy and Civil Engineering ConstructionUS

This Canadian industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in constructing heavy and civil engineering works. The work performed may include new work, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and repairs. Specialized trade activities related to these engineering and civil construction projects (such as marine pile driving) are included. Construction projects involving water resources (e.g., dredging and land drainage), development of marine facilities, and open space recreational construction projects (e.g., parks and trails) are included in this industry.

  • Example Activities:

    • Anchored earth retention contractors
    • Athletic field construction, general contractors
    • Breakwater construction, general contractors
    • Bulkhead wall construction
    • Caissons (i.e., marine or pneumatic structures), construction
    • Cofferdams, construction
    • Construction management, dams
    • Construction management, marine structures
    • Construction management, mass transit
    • Construction management, miscellaneous heavy and civil engineering construction
    • Construction management, outdoor recreation facilities
    • Construction management, tunnels
    • Dam construction, general contractors
    • Dikes and other flood control structures, construction
    • Dock and pier construction
    • Drainage canals and ditches, construction
    • Drainage project construction
    • Dredging, canals, channels, waterways and ditches
    • Drive-in movie facility construction
    • Earth retention system construction
    • Farm drainage tile installation
    • Flood control project construction
    • Gabion installations
    • Generating station, construction (hydro)
    • Golf course construction, general contractors
    • Harbour construction, general contractors
    • Horizontal drilling (e.g., cable, pipeline, sewer installation)
    • Hydroelectric generating stations, construction
    • Ice rink (except indoor) construction
    • Jetty construction, general contractors
    • Land drainage contractor
    • Levee construction, general contractors
    • Light rail system construction
    • Lock and waterway construction, general contractors
    • Marine construction, general contractors
    • Mass transit, construction
    • Microtunneling contractors
    • Monorail construction
    • Nuclear waste disposal site construction
    • Outdoor recreation facilities, construction
    • Pile driving, marine
    • Pipe-jacking contractors
    • Playground construction
    • Port facilities construction
    • Railway construction (track, roadbed, trestles, signals, interlockers)
    • Recreation areas (open space), construction
    • Recreational vehicle park construction
    • Retaining walls, anchored (e.g., with piles, soil nails, tieback anchors), construction
    • Revetment construction
    • Rock removal, underwater, contractor
    • Sediment control system construction
    • Shipping channel construction
    • Ski tow erection, general contractors
    • Sports fields and facilities, construction
    • Streetcar line construction
    • Subway construction
    • Subway construction, general contractors
    • Swimming pools, outdoor nonresidential-type, construction
    • Tennis court construction (outdoor), general contractors
    • Timber removal underwater, general contractors
    • Trenching, underwater
    • Tunnel, construction
    • Wharves, construction
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