North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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213118 - Services to oil and gas extractionCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in performing oil and gas field services, except contract drilling, for others, on a contract or fee basis.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • acidizing wells, on a contract basis
    • cementing oil and gas well casings, on a contract basis
    • cleaning out (e.g., bailing out, steam and swabbing) oil and gas wells, on a contract basis
    • contract battery operators, oil field
    • cutting casings, tubes and rods, oil field
    • drilling water intake wells, on a contract basis
    • excavating slush pits and cellars, on a contract basis
    • oil and gas exploration on a contract or fee basis
    • shot-hole drilling service, oil and gas field, on a contract basis
    • well foundation building, at oil and gas wells, on a contract basis
    • well pumping, oil and gas, on a contract basis

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • salt water impounding in connection with petroleum products
  • Exclusion(s)

    • gas and oil contract drilling (See 213111 Oil and gas contract drilling)
    • oil and gas field seismographic surveys (See 541360 Geophysical surveying and mapping services)
    • performing exploration for oil or gas, geophysical (See 541360 Geophysical surveying and mapping services)
    • performing exploration for oil or gas, other than geophysical (See 21111 Oil and gas extraction (except oil sands))
    • seismic geophysical surveying services (See 541360 Geophysical surveying and mapping services)
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