North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007

113210 - Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest ProductsUS

This Canadian industry comprises establishments with two different production processes, those primarily engaged in growing trees for the purpose of reforestation, and those primarily engaged in gathering forest products.

  • Example Activities:

    • Balsam needles, gathering of
    • Barks, gathering of
    • Cone gathering service
    • Forest nurseries
    • Gathering of forest products (e.g., gums, barks, seeds)
    • Gathering of wild mushrooms and truffles
    • Ginseng, gathering of
    • Gum (i.e., forest product) gathering
    • Moss, gathering of
    • Nurseries for reforestation
    • Tree seeds gathering
    • Wild berry picking
    • Wild rice gathering
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