Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting

112510 - AquacultureCAN

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in farm-raising aquatic animals and plants. Establishments primarily engaged in raising both aquatic animals and plants in integrated growing operations, aquaponics, are also included. These activities can occur both in natural waters and in artificial aquatic impoundments and include the use of some form of intervention in the rearing or growing process to enhance production.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • algae and seaweed farming
    • aquaponics
    • finfish hatcheries
    • fingerlings, raising in freshwater or salt water
    • frog, farm raising
    • shellfish farming

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • hydroponic crops, grown under cover (See 111419 Other food crops grown under cover)
    • catching or taking fish and other aquatic animals from their natural habitats (See 11411 Fishing)
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