National Occupational Classification for Statistics (NOC-S) 2006

B576 - Transportation Route and Crew Schedulers

Transportation route and crew schedulers prepare operational and crew schedules for transportation equipment and operating personnel. They are employed by municipal transit commissions, truck, delivery and courier companies, railways, airlines and by other transportation establishments in both the private and public sectors.

  • Example Titles

    • air transport schedule analyst
    • analyst, air transport schedules
    • bus scheduler
    • crew dispatcher
    • crew scheduler - aeronautics
    • crew scheduler - railway transport
    • crew scheduler, transportation
    • depot clerk - transit system
    • flight crew scheduler
    • flight scheduler
    • logistics clerk, transportation
    • rapid transit scheduler
    • schedule analyst
    • schedule analyst, air transport
    • schedule control clerk
    • schedule maker
    • schedule maker, transportation
    • schedule writer
    • schedule writer, transportation
    • scheduler - transit system
    • scheduler, flight
    • scheduler, flight crews
    • senior schedule writer
    • subway scheduler
    • train scheduler
    • transit planner
    • transit scheduler
    • transportation clerk
    • transportation route scheduler
    • transportation routes scheduler
    • transportation schedule clerk
    • transportation schedule maker
    • transportation schedules writer
    • truck scheduler
  • Exclusion

    • Air Flight Schedulers (See A373 Transportation Managers)
    • Production schedule clerks (See B573 Production Clerks)
    • Supervisors of transportation route and crew schedulers (See B415 Supervisors, Recording, Distributing and Scheduling Occupations)
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