North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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7811241 - Temporary staffing to permanent placement

Supplying personnel for temporary employment with the expectation of permanent work at the end of a trial period with the client. The employee remains on the payroll of the temporary help staffing firm until the hiring decision is made, at which time he or she becomes an employee of the client or, if not, returns to the temporary help staffing firm.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for construction workers
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for food service workers
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for health care aids
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for illustrators
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for information technology (IT) personnel
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for management personnel or executives
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for office, clerical or administrative support personnel
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for sales or marketing personnel
    • temporary or short-term staffing to permanent placement services, for security guards

    All examples

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