North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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7123131 - Full service direct advertising

Provision of all services required for developing a comprehensive strategy to send promotional messages directly to consumers, except via mass media. Services include implementing a bundle of marketing or advertising methods, such as telemarketing, distribution of advertising materials and advertising specialties, other than by mail, direct mail, product demonstrations and display lettering. Generally, the direct advertising service bundle is sold as a package and provides financial gain for the client.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • concept development for direct mail advertising campaigns, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • coordination of production and distribution of shirts or t-shirts, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • creative design work for advertising materials, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • design of mailing package materials, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • direct mail fulfilment services, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • distribution of flyers on car windshields, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • door-to-door distribution of newspaper inserts, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • identifying target groups for direct mail campaigns, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • mailing direct mail campaign packages, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • merchandise demonstrations in department stores, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • printing and assembling direct mail campaign packages, bundled with other direct advertising services
    • vehicle lettering services, bundled with other direct advertising services

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • design of advertising specialties for clients of full direct advertising packages
    • design of advertising specialties for clients, bundled with other direct advertising services
  • Exclusion(s)

    • direct advertising services sold separately (See 712311 Direct advertising services, sold separately)
    • full direct mail advertising campaign (See 7123121 Full service direct mail advertising)
    • full service advertising campaign (See 7124111 Full service advertising campaigns)
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