North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0


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7122111 - Advertising intermediary services

Services of intermediaries in the buying and selling of advertising space and time, more specifically the services of acquiring advertising space or time from media owners, for sale to advertisers or advertising agencies; and services of intermediaries in selling advertising space or time in various media for a fee or commission paid by the media outlet.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • purchasing advertising space from media owners and reselling directly to advertisers
    • sale of advertising space in print media by media representatives
    • sale of advertising space in print media on a commission basis
    • sale of advertising space online on a commission basis
    • sale of advertising time on radio by media representatives
    • sale of advertising time on radio on a commission basis
    • sale of advertising time on television by media representatives
    • sale of advertising time on television on a commission basis
    • selling advertising time and space for media owners

    All examples

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