Economic Regions - Variant of SGC 2011

5 - British Columbia

59 - British Columbia

5910 - Vancouver Island and Coast

5945 - Central Coast
5945006 - Central Coast A
  • Place name(s)

    • Boswell
    • Brunswick
    • Campbell Island
    • Central Coast
    • Central Coast A
    • Central Coast Regional District
    • Central Coast, Subd. A
    • Dawsons Landing
    • Duncanby Landing
    • Good Hope
    • Goose Bay
    • Kilbella Bay
    • Kimsquit
    • Margaret Bay
    • Martin Valley
    • Nalos Landing
    • Namu
    • Ocean Falls
    • Old Bella Bella
    • Rivers Inlet
    • Shearwater
    • South Bentinck
    • Wadhams
    • Waglisla
5945010 - Central Coast C
  • Place name(s)

    • Atnarko
    • Central Coast C
    • Firvale
    • Hagensborg
    • Hagensborg part B
    • Stuie
5945012 - Central Coast D
  • Place name(s)

    • Central Coast D
    • Hagensborg part A
5945014 - Central Coast E
  • Place name(s)

    • Bella Coola
    • Central Coast E
    • Tallheo
5945801 - Bella Bella 1
  • Place name(s)

    • Bella Bella
    • Bella Bella 1
5945802 - Bella Coola 1
  • Place name(s)

    • Bella Coola 1
5945803 - Katit 1
  • Place name(s)

    • Katit 1
    • Oweekeno
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