North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

562 - Waste management and remediation services

562001 - Waste management and remediation services

562001.1 - Non-hazardous waste management

This product group includes a wide range of services provided for the management of non-hazardous waste streams from residential and non-residential locations. Among the services included are the collection, transportation, sorting, consolidation, storage, other processing, and disposal of non-hazardous waste and recyclable materials.

562001.1.1 - Non-hazardous waste and recyclable material collection services

Collection and subcontracted collection of garbage, refuse, rubbish and trash and recyclable materials non-hazardous, from residential and non-residential locations, construction and demolition sites, as well as the destruction of non-hazardous waste and other services of collection of other non-hazardous wastes.

562001.1.1.1 - Non-hazardous waste and recyclable material subcontracted collection services

Subcontracted collection services for non-hazardous waste, garbage, rubbish, refuse, and trash. Waste may be collected from residential and non-residential locations and may include recyclable material. The waste is taken to the location specified by the contractor who pays for its disposal.

562001.1.1.2 - Non-hazardous waste and recyclable material collection services, residential

Collection of garbage, refuse, rubbish and trash and recyclable non-hazardous materials, pre-sorted or not, from dwellings including apartment buildings and condominiums. The waste can be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposition site; the recyclable materials can be taken to an intermediate site, such as a recovery facility or a transfer station. The waste and recyclable materials can be collected on a fixed or flexible time schedule.

562001.1.1.3 - Non-hazardous waste and recyclable material collection services, non-residential

Collection of garbage, refuse, rubbish and trash and recyclable materials non-hazardous, pre-sorted or not, non-residential. The waste can be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposition site; the recyclable materials can be taken to an intermediate site, such as a recovery facility or a transfer station. The waste and recyclable materials can be collected on a fixed or flexible time schedule.

562001.1.1.4 - Non-hazardous waste collection services, construction and demolition

Collection of non-hazardous waste such as brush and debris from the construction, demolition and renovation of buildings, bridges, roads and ports and the clearing of land. Waste may be taken to an intermediate site or to a final disposal site.

562001.1.1.5 - Non-hazardous waste destruction services

Destruction services for confidential documents and other diverse non-hazardous products by means of special equipment.

562001.1.1.6 - Other non-hazardous waste collection services

Other non-hazardous waste collection services such as: urban sweeping services; non-hazardous waste collection for parks, recreational areas, and special events; non-hazardous waste holding and drain facilities cleaning and maintenance; pumping and cleaning of septic tanks; rental of portable toilets; etc.

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