North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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5618132 - Live plants, seeds, and other home and garden supplies (except agricultural fertilizers and pesticides), at retail

Retailing services for live plants, seeds, and other home and garden supplies, except agricultural fertilizers and pesticides.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • composters at retail
    • cut real Christmas trees at retail
    • flower seeds at retail
    • lawn ornaments at retail
    • nursery stock trees at retail
    • outdoor soil at retail
    • peat moss at retail
    • plant bulbs at retail
    • pool chemicals at retail
    • shrubs at retail
    • sod at retail

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • barbecues at retail
    • outdoor specialty lighting for landscape at retail
    • picnic tables at retail
  • Exclusion(s)

    • cannabis seeds at retail (See 5611311 Cannabis seeds, at retail)
    • live cannabis plants, at retail (See 5611312 Cannabis vegetative plants, at retail)
    • potting soil at retail (See 5619152 Cut flowers, indoor potted plants and floral supplies, at retail)
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