North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

54 - Professional, scientific, and technical services

541032 - Engineering services

541032.1 - Engineering services

The application of physical laws and principles in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, structures, processes, and systems. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to engineering projects. Includes engineering design services for a design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.7 - Telecommunications and broadcasting engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the transmission or distribution of voice, data, and programming. The services included in this group include the provision of designs, plans, and studies related to telecommunications and broadcasting projects. Includes engineering design services for a telecommunications or broadcasting design-build project that are provided on a subcontract basis.

541032.1.7.1 - Wireless network engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the transmission of voice, data, and programming between network termination points by short-wave or microwave. Includes wireless telephony, satellite radio, and direct-broadcast satellite systems.

541032.1.7.2 - Wireline network engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the transmission of voice and data between network termination points by copper wire, fibre-optic cable, co-axial cable, and hybrid fibre-coaxial cable.

541032.1.7.3 - Television and radio broadcasting engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the transmission of radio and television signals. Excludes direct broadcast satellite and satellite radio systems.

541032.1.7.4 - Other telecommunications and broadcasting engineering projects

All engineering services related to systems for the transmission or distribution of voice, data, or programming, not elsewhere classified.

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