North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

512023.1.1 - Licensing of rights to use musical works

Licensing rights of composers, lyricists, songwriters, and music publishers to make use of a musical work. A musical work may be any work of music or musical composition, with or without words, and includes any compilation thereof. Licences authorize the licensee to exploit the copyrighted musical work, for example by publishing an unpublished musical work, by reproducing a musical work, by making a sound recording of it, or by communicating a work by telecommunication. A licence may authorize some or all of these rights.

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1] - Classification structure
Code Title
512023.1.1.1Licensing of rights to broadcast or perform musical works in public ("Performing Rights, including Grand Rights") Licensing of rights to broadcast or perform musical works in public ("Performing Rights, including Grand Rights")
512023.1.1.2Licensing of rights to reproduce musical works on a sound carrier ("Mechanical Rights") Licensing of rights to reproduce musical works on a sound carrier ("Mechanical Rights")
512023.1.1.3Licensing of rights to use musical works in audiovisual works ("Synchronization Rights") Licensing of rights to use musical works in audiovisual works ("Synchronization Rights")
512023.1.1.4Licensing of rights to reproduce a recording of musical works contained in audiovisual works ("Videogram Rights") Licensing of rights to reproduce a recording of musical works contained in audiovisual works ("Videogram Rights")
512023.1.1.5Licensing of rights to use musical works in commercial advertisements ("Commercial Advertisement Rights") Licensing of rights to use musical works in commercial advertisements ("Commercial Advertisement Rights")
512023.1.1.6Licensing of rights to print musical works ("Print Rights") Licensing of rights to print musical works ("Print Rights")
512023.1.1.7Licensing of rights to publish musical works for a specific region ("Sub-publishing") Licensing of rights to publish musical works for a specific region ("Sub-publishing")
512023.1.1.8Licensing of other rights to use musical works Licensing of other rights to use musical works
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