North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1]

512015.1.1 - Licensing of rights to exhibit, televise, or rent feature films

Licensing rights to exhibit, broadcast, or rent a feature film.

North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada [Provisional Version 0.1] - Classification structure
Code Title
512015.1.1.1Licensing of rights to exhibit feature films Licensing of rights to exhibit feature films
512015.1.1.2Licensing of rights to televise feature films Licensing of rights to televise feature films
512015.1.1.3Licensing of rights to rent feature films to the home video rental market Licensing of rights to rent feature films to the home video rental market
512015.1.1.4Licensing of rights to exhibit, televise or rent feature films to other markets, n.e.c. Licensing of rights to exhibit, televise or rent feature films to other markets, n.e.c.
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