Variant of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0 for Alternative primary groupings

51.0707 - Health information/medical records technology/technician

This instructional program class comprises any program that prepares individuals, under the supervision of health information administrators and other professionals, to construct medical records and clinical databases, perform manipulations on retrieved data, control the security and quality of records, and supervise data entry and technical maintenance personnel. These programs include courses in clinical and biomedical science data and information requirements; database management; data coding and validation; information security; quality control; health information content and structure; medical business procedures; and legal requirements.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • health information technician
    • health information technology
    • health records technician
    • health records technology
    • medical archives technology
    • medical records technician
    • medical records technology

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • healthcare information privacy assurance and security(51.0723)
    • library techniques(25.0301)
    • medical records administration(51.0706)
    • medical secretary(51.0716)
    • records management(25.0103)
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