North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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4811151 - Trade books, in physical form

Published books of general interest intended for the public at large, in physical formats.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • cookbooks, in physical form
    • hardcover non-fiction books for adults
    • home and garden books, in physical form
    • mass market paperback non-fiction books for adults
    • published trade books in print format ordered online from the publisher
    • religious books, bibles and hymnals, in physical form
    • softcover paperback literary fiction for adults
    • trade softcover paperback non-fiction books for adults
    • travel guides, in physical form

    All examples

  • Inclusion(s)

    • published electronic trade books saved on optical and other storage media
  • Exclusion(s)

    • lending of trade books, in physical form (See 7512111 Lending library services)
    • licences for the use of intellectual property of trade books, in physical form, to generate revenues (See 7221111 Licensing of rights for commercial use of copyrighted intellectual property from newspapers, periodicals and books)
    • trade books, in physical form, at retail (See 5614211 Printed books at retail)
    • trade books, in physical form, at wholesale (See 5511461 Books, magazines, newspapers and other publications, at wholesale)
    • trade books, in physical form, produced on own account for sale with all-attendant rights (See 6322111 Literary works originals (except software))
    • trade books, in physical form, produced under contract to others (See 8311131 Contract production of copyrighted works (except live performances and audiovisual works))
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