Variant of NAICS 2002 - Durable and Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Industries

3366 - Ship and Boat Building

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating a shipyard or manufacturing boats. Shipyards are fixed facilities with dry docks and fabrication equipment capable of building a ship, defined as water-craft suitable or intended for other than personal or recreational use. Boats are defined as water-craft suitable or intended for personal or recreational use. The activities of shipyards include the construction of ships, their repair, conversion and alteration, the production of prefabricated ship sections and barge sections, and specialized services, such as ship scaling, when performed at the shipyard.

Variant of NAICS 2002 - Durable and Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Industries - Classification structure
Code Title
33661Ship and Boat Building Ship and Boat Building
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