Variant of CIP 2016 - Alternative primary groupings

26.1201 - Biotechnology

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the application of the biological sciences, biochemistry, and genetics to the preparation of new and enhanced agricultural, environmental, clinical, and industrial products, including the commercial exploitation of microbes, plants, and animals. These programs include courses in bioinformatics, gene identification, phylogenetics and comparative genomics, bioinorganic chemistry, immunoassaying, DNA sequencing, xenotransplantation, genetic engineering, industrial microbiology, drug and biologic development, enzyme-based production processes, patent law, biotechnology management and marketing, applicable regulations, and biotechnology ethics.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • biotechnology
    • plant biotechnology

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • biomedical engineering technology(15.0401)
    • agricultural plant breeding(01.1104)
    • food science(01.1001)
    • plant science technology(01.1199)
    • biology technician(41.0101)
    • bio-food technology(01.1002)
    • biomedical engineering(14.0501)
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