North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2007 - Service Industries

11 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting

This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in growing crops, raising animals, harvesting timber, harvesting fish and other animals from their natural habitats and providing related support activities.

Establishments primarily engaged in agricultural research or that supply veterinary services are not included in this sector.

115 - Support Activities for Agriculture and Forestry

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing support services that are essential to agricultural and forestry production.

1152 - Support Activities for Animal Production

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing support activities related to raising livestock, including companion animals.

11521 - Support Activities for Animal Production

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing support activities related to raising livestock, including companion animals.

115210 - Support Activities for Animal Production

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing support activities related to raising livestock, including companion animals.

  • Example Activities:

    • Animal pedigree service
    • Animal semen collection, production and storage services
    • Breeding services, livestock
    • Breeding services, pet and small animal
    • Breeding services, poultry
    • Cattle dehorning service
    • Cattle registration service
    • Cleaning poultry houses
    • Farriers
    • Horses, boarding (except racehorses)
    • Horseshoeing
    • Livestock breeding services
    • Pet breeding services
    • Poultry breeding services
    • Sheep dipping and shearing
    • Small animal breeding services
    • Stud services, farm animal
    • Training horses (except racehorses)
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